Primo Pellizzari’s Foundation

The Primo Pellizzari’s foundation born to become reality the Pellizzari Enterprises Founder’s dream. Mr. Primo Pellizari, aware of his success was linked to all his employees and families’ general health and well-being and the society sustainable development. He always tough he has the commitment to return the community was he has been received from it.

This dream was materializing bit by bit, year after year, in different ways, always supporting and collaborating in silence, with no formality or organization, but without losing social sensibility in any moment.

That’s how in April 2008, his grandchilds with their parent support, assume the commit to formalize the work they have been doing and stablish the legal rules for a Foundation creation, which will be named “Primo Pellizzari’s Foundation” honoring in this way the name of its founder.


We are a non-lucrative foundation dedicated to the society formation and integral support to culture, education, sport, recreational, health and environment areas. Creating social participation spaces in our direct and indirect environment, focused on well-being generation in a sustainable way through the time.


Being recognized in Our Community as a community social service founding, committed to generate general changes and well-being.

Primo Pellizzari’s Foundation Targets

The foundation’s targets are focused on contribute to integral development of workers and nearest communities, in the personal, familiar, working and professional ambits, through programs, agreements and journeys with specialized personnel and Public and Private Nacional and International Organizations, in education, culture, sport, recreational, health and environment areas, among others.

Our Values

Professionalism: Our professional skills are relevant and they keep in continuous improvement in order to have an integral mastery in each responsibility area and being makers of the optimal generation results.

Communication: We are extroverted, social and positive mind people, we build our relations through an open, clear and objective web of communication to make easy our performance and strengthen the integration.

Respect: In our working daily living shine the respect, human dignity and the rules and laws stablish by the Institution. Complying them we ensure an integral harmony climate.

Ethic: We identify ourselves individual and corporately by a worthy and honorable behavior, stablish by our own convictions and demonstrated by equity, justice and honesty in our doings.

Commitment: We are honored to work in our organization, where we consider ourselves operational partners and we are decided to remunerate it with the maximum of our capacities.

Proactivity: The dynamic, creative and quick and effective answers perform distinguish us to make “things happen” according to our principles.

Who do we support?

  • All and each of our employees
  • Our employees’ siblings
  • Our employees’ wives/husbands
  • Our employees’ parents
  • Near communities
  • Social action institutions and organizations

Which are our support areas?

Community: We contribute to our employees, families and community general wellbeing, through health, recreational and job offers journeys.

Education: We offer academic and sport formation educative programs, occupational training and citizen values formation.

Environment: We work according to appropriate waste handling, training and personnel concientization in order to protect the environment.

Culture: We contribute in promoting musical education to strengthen cultural development in our State and Country.

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