Health, Safety and Environment

Our collaborators are valuable for us, that’s why we implement a Safety Culture. On it, we encourage commitment to establish personal and safety work practices.

Health, Safety and Environment Policy:

“Preacero Pellizzari Mexico S.A. de C.V.’s Direction, aware of its human resource, states its commitment with the national laws and rules fulfillment related to Health, Safety and Environment, through a system that ensures the permanent verification and feedback. In the same way it commits to spread this important subject to all its personnel”.

Our HSE Culture it’s a corporative value, it remark our advantage to our competitors and it’s appreciated in an outstanding way for our customers.

To reach the proposed target in the policy, we have implemented our PPM Safety Culture, which develop four basic principles that are lived and practiced every day, empowering the personnel as the first and principal interested on its own and work team’s safety. This principles are:

yo me cuidoI look for myself / Emphasize the health, hygiene and personal care, understanding that we are our principal and most important resource, that we are the most important of our lives and that the most important people for us depend on us: our families.

That’s the importance for exams programming and periodic medical checks fulfillment, recommendation accomplishment derived from them and remember the epidemiological watch system, health and nutrition indicators establish in our enterprise for our own health. It aligns with our WATER and NUTRITION campaigns, oriented to increase the water consumption, avoiding sodas and sugary drinks, to follow a balanced diet according to the environment and working conditions.

yo trabajo seguroI work safe / Focus on the constant reminding and reinforcement of all the safety work practices establish on our enterprise to save lives and coworkers. This principle stimulates the safe and unsafe acts and practices recognize; stimulates the watch and suggest improvement opportunities or correction actions related to safety.

It proposes five key principles to work in a safety way: Focus in what you are doing, Wear properly and all the time the personal protection equipment, Respect the signs, Working tools apropriate use and Teamwork.

yo protejo al medio ambienteI protect the environment / The approach of this principle is remind and strengthen that an important part of the PPM essence is working friendly with the environment, minimizing the impact generated by our activities.

That’s why we have been working on 5 basic control programs about the significant environmental aspect of our operations:

  1. Air (Quality air study PM10)
  2. Water and Energy (Trimestral study PTAR)
  3. Noise (Annual perimeter and occupational study)
  4. Spills prevention and control
  5. Solid and liquid waste handling (Dangerous waste and Special waste handling)

yo trabajo bien a la primeraI work well at first / Basic principle fot quality and the base to remind and strengthen the Quality Management of our enterprise looking for Zero Fails and Zero Incidents. It proposes spread, support and assume a coherent attitude linked to the HSE and Quality PPM’s policys.

It follows to stimulate and assume as an habit the commitment with quality in each diary act of our work. Proposes to understand the company as a production chain, where the individual work is fundamental to other area, other coworker or the final client, and proposes to assume the maximum commitment to the task adding value  and making the individual and work group easy, adding value to the final product.

It implies to use an improve the documental control system permanent, including filing and update manuals, processes, instructives and records. Finally, it implies to drive internasl and external audits and follow them until the Nonconformity close.

This principle is the base and concept to the Continuos Improvement and follows as a final target the customer’s satisfaction and the quality of our services and products.

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